Labels:cassette tape | compact disk | crt screen | monitor | vegetarianism | windowpane OCR: keep derful 130 giveth 131 standing th 1 The em. light therefore opened unto entrance it the m lo doth of giveth simpl thy my e words under soul anc nies, thou and 153 forget 154 hast have deliver thy Plead Consider law known founded me my RESH. quicken mine for cause me the 26 UNCHANGING fa se 19 they Ps.18.1 MESSAGE TOF reat are thy qui vor iience eacher Sought [Ps.140 [Is .33 .158 have thy 1344 Ime 135 upon Inot 136 mine thy Deliver Make dominion GOD'S thy thy Rivers eyes, law statutes, tny me ighteous of servant because TZADDI. fror waters art anu are run they thy keep thou WORD down keep judg and 157 and 158 |kept lecline 159 ness precepts 160 mine Many was not -ORD from beheld Consid Thy th thy enemi are grieve beginning qui thy er to th jy n WOI Dr David Jeremiah simple ever uicken ...